Prieler Pinot Blanc “Seeberg” 2021

SKU: ATWAWPRWIWH775021NW Kategorija:
Pinot Blanc | Burgenland | Austria | White Wine | Weingut Prieler | 2021 | 0,75 L | 13 %
Prieler Pinot Blanc "Seeberg" 2021 ir sausais baltvīns, kas izgatavots no Pinot Blanc vīnogām, kas audzētas "Seeberg" vīna dārzā, kas atrodas cienījamā vīna ražošanas reģionā Burgenlandē, Austrijā. Šis vīns iemieso Prieler centību izpaust vīna dārzu unikālās īpašības, un "Seeberg" piedāvā raksturīgu mikroklimatu un augsnes sastāvu, kas ir ideāli piemērots izcilas kvalitātes Pinot Blanc kultivēšanai. Rūpīga uzmanība ilgtspējīgai vīnkopībai un precizitāte vīna darīšanā rada Pinot Blanc, kas demonstrē skaistu augļu, skābuma un mineralitātes līdzsvaru, kas simbolizē terroir unikālās īpašības.

2021. gada “Seeberg” izvēršas ar elegantu baltu ziedu buķeti, zaļo ābolu un citrusaugļu pieskārienu, radot gan bagātīgu, gan kraukšķīgu garšu ar gatavu bumbieru, persiku un smalku mandeļu nokrāsu. ar atsvaidzinošu minerālu apdari. Šis Pinot Blanc tiek izcelts ar tā sarežģītību, krēmīgo tekstūru un nevainojamu skābuma integrāciju, padarot to par daudzpusīgu un izsmalcinātu šķirnes izpausmi. Tā dziļums un elegance padara to par izcilu izvēli tiem, kas meklē baltvīnu ar raksturu un smalkumu.


Prieler Pinot Blanc “Seeberg” savienošana ar tādiem ēdieniem kā cepta menca, vistas piccata vai pavasara dārzeņu risoto var uzlabot vīna augļu nianses un minerālvielu sarežģītību. Tas arī lieliski sader ar mīkstiem, krēmīgiem sieriem, radot apburošu tekstūru un garšu saspēli, kas izceļ vīna krēmīgo tekstūru un līdzsvarotu skābumu. Šīs ēdienu kombinācijas ne tikai papildina vīna profilu, bet arī uzsver tā spēju uzlabot maltītes, padarot to par daudzpusīgu pavadoni dažādiem kulinārijas stiliem.

Noliktavā 65 prece/-es


Pinot Blanc is flexible white-wine grape variety, it can produce quite different styles of wine, depending on winemaker techniques. It produces a medium to full-bodied wine with elevated acidity, good structure and responds well to oak influence. Pinot Blanc's varietal deep flavors characters often include apple and almond, and sometimes hint of smoke.
Burgenland is a large wine-producing region on the eastern border of Austria. Despite the country's image as the producer of some of the world's finest white wines, Austria is also home to a thriving red wine culture: Burgenland, with its sunny, continental summers, is the country's key red wine region, with its wines based mainly on the Blaufränkisch and Zweigelt grape varieties.    The region occupies a narrow strip of land that runs from the Danube River down to Steiermark in the south. On its eastern side is the border with Hungary, and to the west lies the most eastern foothills of the Alps. Steiermark aside, Burgenland is one of Austria's southernmost wine regions, and topographically is more aligned with Hungary than with much of the rest of Austria.   Burgenland is home to four DAC appellations: from north to south; Neusiedlersee, Leithaberg, Mittelburgenland and Eisenberg. Within each of these zones, any wines which do not conform to the particular classification are labeled with the Burgenland appellation.   Burgenland's Lake Neusiedl (Neusiedlersee) is one of the viticultural focus points of the region. It stores summer heat from the Pannonian Plain, an expansive, warm area which covers much of Hungary and eastern Austria, effectively lengthening the ripening season into autumn.   In contrast to the other Burgenland DACs all of the wines of Leithaberg DAC qualify. Red wines must be made predominantly with Blaufränkisch. White grape varieties are Chardonnay, Pinot Blanc, Neuberger and Grüner Veltliner, either varietally or as a blend.    Mittelburgenland, south of the Neusiedlersee, is perhaps the most notable of Burgenland's red wine regions. The spicy red wines made here from Blaufränkisch have garnered the region its own DAC title, and the variety accounts for more than half of all vineyard land in the region.