Montetondo Soave Classico DOC 2022

SKU: ITVEMOTWIWH175022 Category:
Garganega | Veneto | Italy | White Wine | Monte Tondo | 2022 | 0,75 L | 12,5 %
Monte Tondo Soave Classico DOC "Montetondo" ir sausais baltvīns, kas izgatavots galvenokārt no Garganega vīnogām, kas iegūts no Soave Classico reģiona Veneto, Itālijā. Šis vīns atspoguļo Soave būtiskās īpašības, demonstrējot reģiona vulkāniskās augsnes un ideālu klimatu, lai ražotu kraukšķīgus un aromātiskus baltvīnus. Marķējums "Montetondo" izceļ vīna darītavas apņemšanos ievērot kvalitāti un tradicionālo vīna darīšanas praksi, kā rezultātā tiek iegūts izsmalcināts un izteiksmīgs vīns. Satur sulfītus.

Monte Tondo Soave Classico DOC “Montetondo” garšas notis atklāj dinamisku citrusaugļu, zaļo ābolu un balto ziedu buķeti, ko papildina smalkas mandeļu nokrāsas un pieskāriens mineralitātei. Pēc garšas tas piedāvā spilgtu skābumu un vidēji stingru tekstūru ar citrona miziņas, bumbieru un medus piegaršu, kas nodrošina tīru, atsvaidzinošu noskaņu. Šis Soave Classico ir izslavēts ar savu līdzsvaru, eleganci un harmonisku augļu un minerālu nošu integrāciju.


Monte Tondo Soave Classico DOC “Montetondo” lieliski sader ar jūras velšu ēdieniem, piemēram, grilētām zivīm, garneļu scampi vai jūras velšu risoto, kur tā skābums un svaigums pastiprina smalkās garšas. Tas arī papildina vieglus salātus, dārzeņu antipasti un mīkstus sierus, nodrošinot atsvaidzinošu kontrastu un paaugstinot kopējo maltītes pieredzi ar savu kraukšķīgo un dinamisko raksturu.

71 in stock


Garganega dry wines is marked out by intense aromas of almond, peach blossoms, pear and overripe yellow apples. This grape is also famous for the ability to make dessert wines which is made using dried, late harvested grapes.
Soave is arguably the most famous white wine DOC in Italy. Granted in 1968, the DOC title covers wines made from Garganega grapes grown in hillside vineyards east of Verona, in the Veneto wine region of northeastern Italy. A dry, crisp, fruity white wine, Soave's naturally refreshing appeal led it to phenomenal popularity in the second half of the 20th Century.   Ask any wine drinker to name a well-known Italian white wine, and their answer will most likely be either Pinot Grigio or Soave. Names such as Gavi, Orvieto and Frascati might also figure on the list, but the sheer volume of Soave which has made its way out of Veneto in recent decades has drowned out the competition. The fact that Pinot Grigio figures alongside Soave as one of the most famous Italian wines is a sign of the times.    As with Chianti the quantity of Soave wine produced every vintage is much more consistent than its quality. The temptation to drive for higher yields has led many Soave producers to favor volume over value, to the eventual detriment of the Soave brand. The consequences of this have taken many years to filter through, but the negative effects are now being felt.   The official catchment area for Soave wine production covers the communes of Monteforte d'Alpone, San Martino Buon Albergo, Mezzane di Sotto, Ronca, Montecchia di Crosara, San Giovanni Ilarione, San Bonifacio, Cazzano di Tramigna, Colognola ai Colli, Caldiero, Illasi, Lavagno and Soave itself. The production area was significantly expanded when the Soave DOC laws were drawn up, and it now covers about three times its former area. Wines from the original, "classic" Soave vineyard area are distinguished by the title Soave Classico. Wines labeled as Soave Colli Scaligeri are from hillside vineyards whose terroir is considered superior but which lie outside the official Soave Classico zone.   In order to address the falling quality of Soave wines, and to provide distinction between the quality levels, the Soave Superiore DOCG was drafted in October 2001 and put into effect as of the 2002 vintage. See Soave Superiore for details.
Veneto ir pirmās Itālijas vīndarības skolas mājvieta, kas iezīmē vīna tūrisma sākumpunktu Itālijā. Šis ir viens no lielākajiem vīna reģioniem, kas ļauj izmantot vairāk nekā 80 vīnogu šķirnes. Populārākās sarkanās šķirnes ir Corvina un Rodinella - pirmā vīnam piešķir bagātīgu garšu un zīdainus tanīnus, kā arī burvīgus ķiršu un zaļumu aromātus, bet otrā - vīnu ar skaistu rubīna krāsu ar vēl piesātinātāku ķiršu garšu. Baltvīnu līderi ir Garganega, kas dod vīna mandeļu un medus garšu, un populārā, vieglā un burbuļotā Glera.