Le Mothe du Barry “Vielles Vignes” Bordeaux 2020 Magnum

SKU: FRBOMDJWIRE115020 Category:
Merlot | Bordeaux | France | Red Wine | Chateau La Mothe du Barry | 2020 | 1,5 L | 14 %
Le Mothe du Barry "Vieilles Vignes" Bordeaux Supérieur ir pārliecinošs sausais sarkanvīns, kas izgatavots no veciem Merlot vīnogulājiem, demonstrējot Francijas Bordo reģiona bagātīgo vīnkopības mantojumu. Šis vīns tiek izslavēts tā koncentrācijas un dziļuma dēļ, kas ir rezultāts veco vīnogulāju spējai iekļūt dziļākajos terroir slāņos, iegūstot izcilas kvalitātes un intensitātes vīnogas. Apzīmējums "Vieilles Vignes" pasvītro vīna atvasinājumu no šiem vecākajiem vīnogulājiem, solot Bordeaux Supérieur ar izcilu sarežģītību un raksturu, kas simbolizē rūpīgu aprūpi un tradīcijas, kas nosaka muižas vīna darīšanas filozofiju.
Joel Duffau comes from an old family of winegrowers - nine generations! With this kind of legacy, his fate was almost predetermined… and it so happened that in 1985, after studying winemaking in France and abroad, he founded the vineyards of Chateau la Mothe du Barry. The property is located in the village of Moulon on the left bank of the Dordogne River, opposite Saint Emilion. Joel's natural curiosity to discover everything new allows him to develop with more successful grape harvesting, viticulture and oenological practices, which in turn allows the production of more and more expressive wines.
Tasting notes

Le Mothe du Barry “Vieilles Vignes” atklāj spēcīgu tumšu augļu, piemēram, upeņu un plūmju, buķeti, ko bagātina smalkas lakricas, ādas un maigas ozola notis. Garša tiek sagaidīta ar bagātīgu un samtainu tekstūru, kas piedāvā harmonisku gatavu augļu garšu, labi integrētu tanīnu un garšvielu piegaršu sajaukumu, kas beidzas ar garu un apmierinošu noskaņu. Šī vīna elegance un līdzsvars liecina par izcilajām īpašībām, ko piešķir vecie vīnogulāji, un amatniecisko pieeju vīna darīšanai.


Savienojot “Vieilles Vignes” Bordeaux Supérieur ar sātīgiem gaļas ēdieniem, piemēram, liellopa gaļas sautējumu, jēra stilbiņu vai klasisku pīles konfitāciju, var pastiprināt vīna dziļumu un struktūru. Tas lieliski sader arī ar izturētiem sieriem, kur vīna sarežģītība un siera bagātība rada apburošu kontrastu, uzlabojot abu garšu. Šie pāri ne tikai izceļ vīna daudzpusību, bet arī tā spēju padarīt maltīti izsmalcinātā ēdināšanas pieredzē.

3 in stock


Chateau La Mothe du Barry
Joel Duffau comes from an old family of winegrowers - nine generations! With this kind of legacy, his fate was almost predetermined… and it so happened that in 1985, after studying winemaking in France and abroad, he founded the vineyards of Chateau la Mothe du Barry. The property is located in the village of Moulon on the left bank of the Dordogne River, opposite Saint Emilion. Joel's natural curiosity to discover everything new allows him to develop with more successful grape harvesting, viticulture and oenological practices, which in turn allows the production of more and more expressive wines.
Merlot can produce red wines from medium to full-bodied, with rich but smooth and rounded tannins. Young merlot wine is dominated by aromas of blackberry, raspberry, violet and wild plum, but with aging it can develop aromas of figs, chocolate, leather and truffle.
Bordeaux wines are considered to be the most prestige and renowned in the world. The region is mainly known for its dry red wines made from Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc and Merlot grapes, and one can almost always find the word Château (French for „castle”) on Bordeaux wine labels. In order to understand the style of wine most desirable for your taste, it is recommended to try different samples from the Left as well as the Right Bank of The Gironde. Both banks differ not only with different soil, but also with the share of specific wines. There are several classifications in Bordeaux but the main one, introduced in 1855, hasn’t changed since and still impacts wine prices nowadays. A few years later, in 1936, an alternative classification system - Crus Bourgeois - was established. Bordeaux is known for a commerce praxis called en primeur - it means that a buyer can purchase wines immediately after harvest and prior to production for a substantially lower price, thus obtaining the opportunity to sell them for a larger profit later in the future. Bordeaux wines can be described as big, complex and with a strong character, but very friendly at the same time so that each and every wine lover could find something tasty and suitable for a great wine night.