Limonāde “Something& Nothing Cucumber Seltzer” 330ml
United Kingdom | Something & Nothing
Tastes like a holiday in a can, hence having the picture of a holiday on the can, not as cucumber as you might expect…. The Something or Nothing likes a bit of semiotic tomfoolery. Tastes like: Jumping into a pool after a long day in the sun. This product is naturally low in calories, contains natural juices and is gluten free and vegan.
Ingridients, Nutritional information
Non-alcoholic drink. Ingredients: carbonated water, cucumber extract, grape and lemon juice concentrate, natural flavorings. Nutritional value of 100ml product: energy value 48kJ/12kcal; fat 0g; carbohydrates 2.8g, t.s. sugar 2.8g; protein 0g; salt 0g. I
185 in stock
Something & Nothing
Something & Nothing seltzeri ir patiesi... kaut kas! Kamēr to jaudīgās garšu nianses ir gluži kā “brīvdienas iekš skārda bundžas” vai liek sajusties kā “skrienot kailam cauri vīnogulājiem”, tie patiesi arī satur dabīgās vīnogu un citronu sulas, lai piešķirtu dzērienam līdzsvaru un pilnasinīgu garšu! Šie eksemplāri dabiski satur zemu kaloriju daudzumu, tie ir bezglutēna un vegāniski, tādējādi esot perfektas bezalkoholiskās (vai pavisam nedaudz alkoholiskās) vasaras dzērienu alternatīvas!