Wine storage

Our customers who want to create wine stocks but are unable to provide appropriate storage conditions or store large volumes, can safely place them under the supervision of our wine specialists.


Do you have wine but no place where to store it? This is no longer a problem as Noble Wine has come up with a wine storage service!


Our customers who want to create wine stocks but are unable to provide appropriate storage conditions or store large volumes, can safely place them under the supervision of our wine specialists. Entrusting your collection to Noble Wine guarantees care and a suitable wine climate – appropriate temperature and humidity control, stabilization, and correct horizontal storage, which are important parameters for the quality of mature wine.


Our far-sighted service will protect you against:
  • deterioration in wine quality;
  • lack of space;
  • unplanned openings of wine bottles that you wanted to keep!


How to get the service:

You sign a contract with Noble Wine, and Noble Wine accepts the wine collection. The invoice is issued once a year.



Please, contact our private sommelier Marija Stramkaļe with any comfortable way for you. She will answer in the fastest time possible, with the best possible offer, that suits your needs.