Tollot Beaut Savigny-les-Beaune “Champ Chevrey Monopole” 2021

SKU: FRBUDTBWIRE1075021 Category:
Pinot Noir | Burgundy | France | Red Wine | Domaine Tollot Beaut | 2021 | 0,75 L | 13,5 %
Tollot Beaut Savigny-les-Beaune "Champ Chevrey Monopole" 2021 is a dry red wine, made from Pinot Noir grapes, sourced from the Savigny-les-Beaune appellation in the Burgundy region of France. This wine reflects the unique terroir of the "Champ Chevrey" vineyard, a monopole exclusively owned and cultivated by Domaine Tollot Beaut, known for its meticulous vineyard management and traditional winemaking practices. The 2021 vintage is celebrated for its elegance, complexity, and refined structure, typical of high-quality Burgundy.
The Tollot-Beaut family Domaine is based at Chorey-Les-Beaune, often thought of as a slightly old-fashioned backwater. Their vineyard holdings, however, extend to Beaune, Savigny, Aloxe-Corton and a tiny holding in the Corton Charlemagne vineyard. The hallmark of their wines is a striking purity of fruit - the reds display a truly succulent quality supported (but never dominated) by judicious use of oak. It is now Nathalie Tollot who is in charge, alongside other members of this extensive family.
Tasting notes

Tasting notes for Tollot Beaut Savigny-les-Beaune “Champ Chevrey Monopole” 2021 reveal a bouquet of red cherries, raspberries, and strawberries, complemented by floral notes of violet and hints of spice and earthy undertones. On the palate, it offers a medium-bodied texture with bright acidity and silky tannins, featuring flavors of ripe red fruits, a touch of minerality, and a long, elegant finish. This Pinot Noir is praised for its balance, vibrancy, and the harmonious integration of fruit and terroir-driven nuances.


Tollot Beaut Savigny-les-Beaune “Champ Chevrey Monopole” 2021 pairs beautifully with roasted poultry, duck breast, or lamb chops, where its acidity and fruitiness enhance the savory richness of the dishes. It also complements a variety of soft cheeses and charcuterie, providing a delightful contrast and elevating the overall dining experience with its refined and vibrant character.

12 in stock


Wine Searcher review

Domaine Tollot Beaut
Šīs vīndarītavas sākums datējams ar 1894. gadu, un jau piektā Fenočio (Fenocchio) ģimenes paaudze ražo vīnu savā darītavā pašā Busijas sirdī, Monforte d’Alba kopienā. Līdz 1964. gadam lielākā daļa saražoto vīnu tika pārdota vietējā tirgū, kad ambiciozais un enerģiskais Džakomo Fenočio pārņēma vīndarītavas vadību. Viņa mērķis bija ražot labākos vīnus visā Barolo, tāpēc viņš iegādājās izcilākos vīnogulājus prestižākajās Langes reģiona vīnogu audzētavās. Šobrīd vīndarītavas vadības grožus ir pārņēmis Džakomo dēls Klaudio, kurš turpina tēva aizsāktās tradīcijas, ražojot lieliskus vīnus no vīnogām, kas aug labākajos Barolo vīna dārzos. Šos vīnus var raksturot, kā vien vēlaties – minimālistiski, tradicionāli, vecmodīgi, bet svarīgākais ir tas, ka Klaudio radītie vīni atspoguļo teruāra īpašības vistīrākajā veidā, kas raksturīgs tikai augstākā līmeņa vīndariem. Ja meklējat nākamo Itālijas vīna darīšanas zvaigzni, tad esat to atraduši. Pavisam nesen The New York Times veiktā Barolo vīnu vērtējumā Fenočio vīni ieguva 2. vietu, piekāpjoties tikai Elio Altare, bet pārspējot Elio Grasso, Massolino un Vietti vīnus. Šobrīd vīnu astronomiskā kvalitāte apsteidz cenu, kas nozīmē tikai to, ka Fenočio ir jābūt ikviena Barolo vīnu cienītāja vīna skapī.
Pinot Noir has very aromatic profile, very fresh acidity and low level of quaite soft tannins. The nature of Pinot Noir wine is its flavors of red berries and cherry (red sour cherries in lighter wines and cooked black cherries in bold examples). This wine matures very exating, developing notes of berry jam, violets, leather, moss and mushrooms.
Savigny-lès-Beaune is a large village in the Côte de Beaune sub-region of Burgundy, nestled between the hillsides of a sub-valley in the Côte d'Or escarpment. The last part of the name reflects the village's location; it is just a short distance away from the town of Beaune. The Appellation Savigny-lès-Beaune may be used for red and white wine with respectively Pinot noir and Chardonnay as the main grape variety. There are 22 vineyards classified as Premier Cru and there are no Grand Cru vineyards within Savigny-lès-Beaune.
Burgundy (Bourgogne) can be confusing because of the multiplicity of its appellations - all the small vineyards are divided between multiple producers so it can often be difficult to understand this diversity. However, it is the exact reason why the wines of Burgundy are considered to be the finest in the world. A common topic of discussion, when talking about Burgundy, is the concept of "terroir" - a unique combination of soil and climate conditions that affects the taste of wine in the appellations, making it unique to each village. Winemakers mainly use the capricious Pinot Noir and the classical Chardonnay to create true masterpieces, while Gamay and Aligote are used to make wines of a bit simpler style. Particular attention should be paid to the hierarchy of wines. First there are the regional and village wines, a step higher - the Premier Cru wines and the outstanding Grand Cru - at the top. Due the complex and inconsistent weather that can notably impact wine quality especially in bad harvest years, a very important factor here is the so called millesime - the harvest year of the grapes the particular wine is produced of, because each of these years has its own unique taste. Purchasing Burgundy wines is not easy because there are many details that should be taken into consideration - the class of the vineyard, the assessment of the manufacturer, the age of the vines, the quality of the wine as well as the millesime and, of course, the potential of ageing. The sellers play a big role here - they must be truly passionate about wine and able to offer only the best quality producers with a good reputation. That is exactly the way "Noble Wine" works!