Giacomo Fenocchio Barbera d`Alba Superiore DOC 2021

SKU: ITPIFENWIRE175021 Category:
Barbera | Piedmont | Italy | Red Wine | Giacomo Fenocchio | 2021 | 0,75 L | 14,5 %
Giacomo Fenocchio Barbera d'Alba Superiore DOC is a dry red wine that exemplifies the depth and complexity that Barbera grapes can achieve in the Alba region of Piedmont, Italy. This Superiore designation signifies a higher quality and concentration, a result of selective grape harvesting and extended aging in oak barrels, which imbues the wine with greater structure and flavor complexity. Crafted from 100% Barbera grapes, this wine is a testament to Giacomo Fenocchio's dedication to traditional winemaking techniques, offering a rich and nuanced expression of one of Italy's most beloved varietals.
Tasting notes

The tasting profile of Giacomo Fenocchio’s Barbera d’Alba Superiore features a robust array of ripe red and black fruit flavors, including plum and black cherry, accented by notes of vanilla, spice, and a subtle earthiness, all balanced by the varietal’s characteristic lively acidity and soft, integrated tannins. The finish is long and satisfying, showcasing the wine’s elegance and the careful oak aging process.


This Barbera d’Alba Superiore pairs excellently with rich, savory dishes such as braised beef, hearty stews, or pasta with a robust meat sauce, where the wine’s acidity and depth of flavor complement the intensity of the food. It also matches beautifully with aged cheeses, offering a delightful contrast that enhances the flavors of both the cheese and the wine, creating a harmonious and indulgent culinary experience.

7 in stock


Wine Searcher review

Šīs vīndarītavas sākums datējams ar 1894. gadu, un jau piektā Fenočio (Fenocchio) ģimenes paaudze ražo vīnu savā darītavā pašā Busijas sirdī, Monforte d’Alba kopienā. Līdz 1964. gadam lielākā daļa saražoto vīnu tika pārdota vietējā tirgū, kad ambiciozais un enerģiskais Džakomo Fenočio pārņēma vīndarītavas vadību. Viņa mērķis bija ražot labākos vīnus visā Barolo, tāpēc viņš iegādājās izcilākos vīnogulājus prestižākajās Langes reģiona vīnogu audzētavās. Šobrīd vīndarītavas vadības grožus ir pārņēmis Džakomo dēls Klaudio, kurš turpina tēva aizsāktās tradīcijas, ražojot lieliskus vīnus no vīnogām, kas aug labākajos Barolo vīna dārzos. Šos vīnus var raksturot, kā vien vēlaties – minimālistiski, tradicionāli, vecmodīgi, bet svarīgākais ir tas, ka Klaudio radītie vīni atspoguļo teruāra īpašības vistīrākajā veidā, kas raksturīgs tikai augstākā līmeņa vīndariem. Ja meklējat nākamo Itālijas vīna darīšanas zvaigzni, tad esat to atraduši. Pavisam nesen The New York Times veiktā Barolo vīnu vērtējumā Fenočio vīni ieguva 2. vietu, piekāpjoties tikai Elio Altare, bet pārspējot Elio Grasso, Massolino un Vietti vīnus. Šobrīd vīnu astronomiskā kvalitāte apsteidz cenu, kas nozīmē tikai to, ka Fenočio ir jābūt ikviena Barolo vīnu cienītāja vīna skapī.
Barbera is a red Italian wine grape variety that, as of 2000, was the third most-planted red grape variety in Italy (after Sangiovese and Montepulciano). It produces good yields and is known for wines that are deep colored, full bodied, low tannin and with high levels of acidity.
Dolcetto is a name shared by both the appellation and the grape. Wines made for the Dolcetto variety at its best can even be compared to the noble Nebbiolo. Dolcetto grapes are easy to disposition, mature faster, are less acidic and very fruity. Wines can be drunk young without waiting for a special occasion. Italians are happy to open this bottle of wine at dinner because it goes well with any food and gives the drinkers an easy cheerful mood.