7 582.50 
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    Michel Forgeron cognac VSOP 0,7LSKU: FRCGMFOSPCG1700NV
    Qty Price
    1 × 92.00 
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    De Montal armagnac 2007 0,2LSKU: FRGAPDGSPAR120007
    Qty Price
    2 × 28.00 
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    De Montal armagnac 1956 0,2LSKU: FRGAPDGSPAR120056
    Qty Price
    1 × 209.00 
  • Show × Kanonkop Kadette Cabernet Sauvignon Stellenbosch 2021
    Kanonkop "Kadette" Cabernet Sauvignon Stellenbosch 2021SKU: SAWCWWIRE0175021
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    1 × 30.50 
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    De Montal armagnac 1961 0,2LSKU: FRGAPDGSPAR120061
    Qty Price
    1 × 163.00 
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    De Montal armagnac 2001 0,2LSKU: FRGAPDGSPAR120001
    Qty Price
    1 × 32.00 

Subtotal: 582.50 

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7 582.50 
My shopping cart
  • Show ×
    Michel Forgeron cognac VSOP 0,7LSKU: FRCGMFOSPCG1700NV
    Qty Price
    1 × 92.00 
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    De Montal armagnac 2007 0,2LSKU: FRGAPDGSPAR120007
    Qty Price
    2 × 28.00 
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    De Montal armagnac 1956 0,2LSKU: FRGAPDGSPAR120056
    Qty Price
    1 × 209.00 
  • Show × Kanonkop Kadette Cabernet Sauvignon Stellenbosch 2021
    Kanonkop "Kadette" Cabernet Sauvignon Stellenbosch 2021SKU: SAWCWWIRE0175021
    Qty Price
    1 × 30.50 
  • Show ×
    De Montal armagnac 1961 0,2LSKU: FRGAPDGSPAR120061
    Qty Price
    1 × 163.00 
  • Show ×
    De Montal armagnac 2001 0,2LSKU: FRGAPDGSPAR120001
    Qty Price
    1 × 32.00 

Subtotal: 582.50 

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De Montal armanjaks 2006 0,2L

SKU: FRGAPDGSPAR120006 Category:
Armagnac AOC | Armagnac | 2006 | 0,2 L | 40 % | De Montal
De Montal Armagnac ir izcils gars, kas pazīstams ar savu izsmalcināto līdzsvaru un dziļumu, kas nāk no Francijas Gaskonijas reģiona. Izgatavots no vīnogu šķirņu maisījuma, tostarp Ugni Blanc, Baco Blanc un Folle Blanche, šis armanjaks piedāvā sarežģītību un bagātību, kas nav ne pārāk sauss, ne salds, pievilcīgs visdažādākajām aukslējām. Tas ir destilēts un izturēts ozolkoka mucās, kas veicina tā unikālo raksturu un liecina par tradicionālajām armanjaka ražošanas metodēm.
DeMontal have probably the most modern distillery in the region and their methods of both viticulture and viniculture are hugely sophisticated. DeMontal makes great armagnac but also many wines from their 700 hectare estate. The advantages are that their quality is always exceptionally high and individuality between vintages is much harder to identify. The distillery is state of the art and it is claimed that the grapes spend less than 10 minutes between vineyard and press to minimize SO2 content. The pressings are in stainless steel pneumatic drums and the distillation is on very light lees. The method of vinification is altogether natural, the addition of anything artificial being forbidden. The wine is distilled right after harvest time so as to preserve a maximum amount of aromas. Stability of DeMontal quality is quite unique!
Tasting notes

De Montal Armagnac garšas notis atklāj harmonisku aromātu un garšu sajaukumu, tostarp nobriedušu augļu, vaniļas un ozola nokrāsu, radot garu un gludu apdari, kas parāda gara novecošanas procesu. Tās aukslējām raksturīgs silts, pikants nokrāsa un sarežģītības slāņi, kas attīstās ar katru malku.


De Montal Armagnac īpaši labi sader ar bagātīgiem desertiem, piemēram, šokolādes fondantu vai brūlē krēmu, kur tā dziļums un siltums papildina šo ēdienu saldumu un tekstūru. Tas kalpo arī kā lielisks kompanjons smalkam cigāram, piedāvājot greznu un relaksējošu pieredzi, kas uzlabo gan armanjaka, gan cigāra garšu un aromātu.

2 in stock


Wine Searcher review

DeMontal have probably the most modern distillery in the region and their methods of both viticulture and viniculture are hugely sophisticated. DeMontal makes great armagnac but also many wines from their 700 hectare estate. The advantages are that their quality is always exceptionally high and individuality between vintages is much harder to identify. The distillery is state of the art and it is claimed that the grapes spend less than 10 minutes between vineyard and press to minimize SO2 content. The pressings are in stainless steel pneumatic drums and the distillation is on very light lees. The method of vinification is altogether natural, the addition of anything artificial being forbidden. The wine is distilled right after harvest time so as to preserve a maximum amount of aromas. Stability of DeMontal quality is quite unique!